شارك البودكاست

TRE and the Nervous System 

In the episode:

What is TRE (Tension and trauma release exercises)

How to restore safety, the importance of relationship, our collective nervous system, downregulating in the time of COVID19, how we are dealing with our nervous system, the role of the body in healing. 

About Dr. David Berceli 

David Berceli, Ph.D., is an international expert in the areas of trauma intervention and conflict resolution. He is the creator of Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE). This revolutionary technique is designed to help release the deep tension created in the body during a traumatic experience or through chronic stress.

For more info 

<a href=’https://traumaprevention.com/’>https://traumaprevention.com/</a>

Online TRE Sessions

<a href=’https://traumaprevention.com/event/categories/online-tre-sessions/’>https://traumaprevention.com/event/categories/online-tre-sessions/</a>

TRE on YouTube 

<a href=’https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0BSkFcY0DqIcRRQiJKyUg/videos’>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY0BSkFcY0DqIcRRQiJKyUg/videos</a>

شكرا Thank you 

 للتواصل Contact info 

منال الدباغ Manal Aldabbagh 

IG @manal.aldabbagh

[email protected] 


تصميم الشعار 

<a href=’https://www.graphicreatives.com/’>GraPhi</a> 

التدقيق الصوتي Sound Editing 

عبدالله غانم

 www.<a href=’http://arcast.fm/’>arcast.fm</a> 

Email: <a href=’mailto:[email protected]’>[email protected]</a>

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