شارك البودكاست

This is our bonus episode with Reem Taibah, a big inspiration to both Khayra & Fatma, where we ask her our audience questions (*cough our nerd-y audience questions cough*).

We talk about transforming matter into energy, dark matter, quantum entanglement, the Standard model, and a bunch of other cool physics stuff!

Make sure to check the full episode here before listening to this one!



Reem Taibah got her bachelor’s degree in physics from King Abdulaziz University, she did her internship in CERN in an experiment in Anti-matter and she is now doing her Masters degree in experimental particle physics. She studied Kung fu in a Shaolin temple. Both disciplines answer her need to explore the laws of nature.




Fatma BaAram: Instagram | Twitter
Khayra Bundakji: Instagram | Snapchat | Twitter

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