Masaba Gupta is an Indian fashion designer and actress, who started her own fashion brand, House of Masaba, at the age of 19. Daughter of retired Antiguan cricketer Vivian Richards and renowned Indian actress Neena Gupta, Masaba takes the #ABtalks seat and opens up like never before. What was her childhood like growing up with parents who were never married, does she believe in love, and has she ever been a victim of racism?
- #ABtalks with Chef Shaheen – مع شيف شاهين
- #ABtalks Together with Passant & Farrag – مع بسنت و فراج
- #ABtalks Untold Stories with Saja – مع سجى
- #ABtalks with Amoory – مع عموري
- #ABtalks with Latifa – مع لطيفة
- #ABtalks with Masaba Gupta – مع ماسابا جوبتا
- #ABtalks with Lewis Howes – مع لويس هاوز
- #ABtalks with Omar Samra – مع عمر سمره
- #ABtalks Special on Mother of Men – أم الرجال
- #ABtalks with Fahad AlMusaed – مع فهد المساعد