The rumors and questions around Leon Starino are finally being addressed by the man himself in his first ever ‘real’ interview. Leon Starino is an entrepreneur and a name to be reckoned with in the world of celebrity PR. On #ABtalks, he shares details of his upbringing, his fascinating story of becoming the man he is today, his highs and lows of working within the entertainment industry and shares with us who he really is behind the tabloids.
- #ABtalks with Chef Shaheen – مع شيف شاهين
- #ABtalks Together with Passant & Farrag – مع بسنت و فراج
- #ABtalks Untold Stories with Saja – مع سجى
- #ABtalks with Amoory – مع عموري
- #ABtalks with Latifa – مع لطيفة
- #ABtalks with Leon Starino – مع ليون ستارينو
- #ABtalks with Lewis Howes – مع لويس هاوز
- #ABtalks with Omar Samra – مع عمر سمره
- #ABtalks Special on Mother of Men – أم الرجال
- #ABtalks with Fahad AlMusaed – مع فهد المساعد