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Gulnaz is the founder and CEO of EasySize
EasySize help fashion and shoppers by providing easier way for shoppers to find their size regardless the brand or location (We will talk about why this is a big problem)
I have known Gulnaz while I was entrepreneur in residence for Startupbootcamp, I have seen how much she is dedicated for EasySize and how hard she work on her startup.
Gulnaz is immigrant and founder, we will talk about her journey for building EasySize and the challenges.
Find Gulnaz on:
00:00:00 Intro & quick how is Copenhagen.
00:02:40 Who is Gulnaz? and What is EasySize?
00:05:30 What is FemTech?
00:08:50 EasySize start and sizing problem for Fashion industery.
00:16:10 How EasySize integrate with online stores.
00:19:30 Pitching and adapting.
00:21:15 How does it feel to be immigrant founder.
00:28:00 Ahmed’s comments on remote work environment.
00:33:45 Quick intro to fashion industery.
00:43:30 EasySize and Sustainability.
00:50:15 What is “Essam Cafe” all about?
00:52:00 Maintaining Mental health.
01:06:50 Advice from Gulnaz
- قهوة عصام: برمجة النظم مع حسن و صهيب
- قهوة عصام: الأمان المالي مع على درويش
- قهوة عصام: دردشة عن Scrum & Agile مع منير ربيع و شريف قزمان
- قهوة عصام: زيارة لدكانة شحاتة مع محمد شحاتة
- قهوة عصام: تعليم الألة لفهم البشر مع د/ إسراء علي
- Essam Cafe: A Chat with Gulnaz Khusainova
- المهندس المتكامل
- قهوة عصام: الي أنكسر مبيتصلحش ليه؟ كلام عن الإنتروبي مع عيد و منير
- قهوة عصام: هي الحضارة راحت فين مع إسلام مؤمن
- قهوة عصام: من الفئات المهمشة لبعض المشاكل الآجتماعية مع محمد منصور