New words Jimmy never heard of. We express how much we appreciate the fans’ posts on our new Facebook group: Koala Sandwich Verse. A brand new character: Someone who gets into trouble because of his chronic disease with drinking water. Farouk rants about the movie “Photocopy” a Mahmoud Hemida movie. We play your voice notes in our Fan Mail segment. And we listen to a Whatsapp conversation between a delivery guy and his boss about his location. Two standup shows announcements!
This episode is sponsored by: Xerox, Wimpy, and Uber.
بنشوف رسايلكم اللي بعتينها. نتكلم عن الجروب بتاعنا الجديد. كاركتر جديد واحد عنده مرض مزمن و لازم يشرب مياه. فاروق يتكلم عن فيلم “فوتوكوبي” بتاع محمود حميدة. ونسمع واتساب مابين عم أشرف وأحمد حسن خط حلوان.