شارك البودكاست

In the second episode, Kamal starts by sharing his experience working as a DJ, and the challenges that DJs go through that people don’t know about. He also touches on his view on the vision of the DJ industry, and the impact of AI on it.The conversation goes from there towards discussing ChatGPT.Arab explains why he thinks ChatGPT is a great resource if used correctly, and wonders on its impact on the current giants that are leading the research world such as Google. Kamal and Arab start discussing the Palestinian ecosystem afterwards, wondering if the Palestinian market has witnessed a big success story, and the challenges in operating in the Palestinian market. The episode with tips regarding dealing with challenges faced in the workplace, and how to use effective confrontation in dealing with situations at work, and the importance of getting rid of the mentality of complaining.

Series Navigation<< بروزكاست – الحلقة الأولى – ما تاخذ الموضوع الشخصيبروزكاست – الحلقة الثالثة – الزواج والأصحاب >>