شارك البودكاست

في هذا البودكاست اخذنا حوار بالانجليزي في السوبرماركت وشرحناها بالعربي
Customer: Excuse me, do you have any apples?
Vendor: Yes, we have a variety of apples. Would you like to try a sample?
Customer: Yes, please.
Vendor: Here you go. These are Honeycrisp apples, they’re very sweet and crisp.
Customer: Mmm, they’re delicious. How much are they per kilogram?
Vendor: They’re 10 riyals per KG.
Customer: Okay, I’ll take two kilograms.
Vendor: Great, that will be 20 riyals. Thank you for your business.
Customer: Thank you
Vendor: You’re welcome. Enjoy the apples!

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