شارك البودكاست

في هذا البودكاست اخذنا حوار في محل الكترونيات بالانجليزي وشرحناه بالعربي


Customer: Hello, I’m interested in buying a new mobile phone. Can you help me with that?

Salesperson: Of course, what kind of phone are you looking for?

Customer: I’m looking for a phone with a good camera and a large battery life.

Salesperson: Great, we have several options. Would you prefer a phone with a larger screen or a more compact size?

Customer: I prefer a larger screen.

Salesperson: Okay, we have several models that have large screens and great camera capabilities. For example, the new iPhone has a great camera and a long battery life. The Samsung Galaxy series also have great cameras and large batteries.

Customer: I would like to take a look at the iPhone and Samsung Galaxy.

Salesperson: Great, Are there any specific storage you’re looking for?

Customer: I would like to have at least 128GB of storage

Salesperson: Don’t worry both of them have more then this 

Customer:  Okay, I’ll take the iPhone.

Salesperson: Good choice please go ahead to the cashier.

Customer: Thanks for your help.

Salesperson: You’re welcome. Thank you for choosing our store.

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